
The Media Experiment is a blog dedicated (hurr) to all the things that make white people giddy. Our topics range anywhere from chocolate to carpet-like facial hair, and if you love silly people saying silly things and recommending the latest and greatest Yiddish rappers, then The Media Experiment is the site for you! Outside of that, we post about movies, games, TV, music, and just about anything else that we can think of.

About Matt Suppes:

Matt Suppes is an aspiring writer currently living in the Kansas City area, and is the creator and administrator of The Media Experiment. He is currently attending his final year of high school, and plans to attend either Missouri, Iowa, Oregon, or Missouri State University with a major in (you guessed it) Creative Writing. Matt has no entertainment preference, and will watch, play, or listen to whatever he can find. Outside of writing and geekdom, Mr. Suppes enjoys buttercups, being awkward, and taking long walks on the beach with his collection of Argyle sweaters and cat, Little Orphan Annie. Awards for Matt’s work can be found in his high school English class and on his mother’s fridge.

Can’t get enough of me? Follow me on Twitter!

About Trevor Mitchell:

Trevor Mitchell

Trevor Mitchell is an aspiring radio host/trivia master living in the KC area, and a contributing editor to The Media Experiment. He hopes to move to Chicago upon his completion of high school. The types of media Trevor abhors are cliched romantic comedies, movies that resort to stupid humor, country music, and crazy-ass JRPGs that require 400 hours of playtime and have 4 hour bosses. When not playing Silent Hill 2, Trevor sings in a choir and worries about college.

About James Fischer:

James Fischer is a contributing author to the Media Experiment, and is a big fan of crazy hipster outfits and playing the banjo. When not making inhuman noises and berating everyone around him, James likes to sit back and play games like Legend of Zelda, watch movies with curly-haired protagonists, and listen to bands nobody has ever heard of. James occasionally even writes for The Media Experiment, although most of his material is published around 3 A.M. and requires a substantial amount of editing from Matt. In short, James is the site’s drunken intern, always passed out on the floor, waiting for someone to remind him that he works here.

About Jackie Land:

Jackie Land is a senior in high school, living just 30 minutes outside of the cool part of Kansas City. She hermits in her room watching TCM and writing screenplays, and she doesn’t care that much if you think that’s weird. She is trying to decide between the University of Missouri-Columbia and University of Nebraska-Lincoln to pursue a major in film studies/production. She realized the other day that she is agnostic. She considers herself an expert on craftmaking, movie appreciation, celebrity gossip, food, fashion, oldies music, and getting over writers’ block. When she’s not crying over the Dawn commercials with the penguins covered in oil, she likes to run lengthy distances like ½ marathons and eat large quantities of ice cream. She just wants to make the world a better place through love and sunshine and unicorns.

2 responses

3 02 2011

Time out. This is a good post, but you don’t mention the original True Grit. The one with John Wayne. Which, in my opinion, is much better than the remake. You should probably watch that one too.

3 02 2011
Matt Suppes

Somehow this has appeared on the About page… You may want to re-post on the True Grit thing, haha :-)

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