The Week Ahead: Dec. 13-19

12 12 2010

[Can you believe we’re only a couple weeks away from Christmas? I sure as hell can’t. Anyways, we have a pretty big week of movies, some huge games in the NFL, as well as the start of college bowl games, and a very unproductive week in video games. If you love hearing me rant about awful remakes, potentially good reboots, and big people hitting each other over an oblong-shaped ball, then continue after the jump. That’s right, all five of you.]

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5 Famous People I Would Love to Hang Out With

10 12 2010

[Happy 100th post!]

I’m not sure if I could handle being famous, or at least famous enough to be put on TMZ if I got caught eating a whole pizza and a can of spray cheese on a subway. Just thinking about having to deal with the constant interviews, singing of autographs, and dealing with the inevitable craziness that affects most A-List celebrities makes me feel queasy. It’s obvious that the majority of super celebrities in the world are batshit insane, but there are quite a few people in movies, TV, sports, et cetera, that are (Or seem to be) genuinely interesting, but also, you know, not quite as batshit insane.

Sure, some of these seemingly normal famous people could just be really good at hiding their inner-crazy, and they might even be hiding some creepy-ass fetishes (Perhaps a cellar full of Beanie Babies?) from the paparazzi, but I’m willing to take a chance on some of these people. So yes, there’s a possibility that some of these people might secretly be douchebags like Christian Bale that would cuss me out for bringing them a glazed donut instead of a danish, but I’m just shameless to admit that I’d try to spend a day with them anyway. Click the jump to see five people that I would love to hang out with.

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Web Wednesday: MC Vader, Texts From Last Night, Hipster Puppies

8 12 2010

[ATTENTION READERS (Ha, like I have readers): I’ve managed to keeps this post going for two months now, but the time has come to note that I am running out of sites to use for the Awesome Sites section. That said, I would love site suggestions from all ten of you guys. You can hit me up with suggestions in the comments section or at Now onto the Web-ness…]

Awesome Sites

  • Texts From Last Night: All lot of crazy things can happen in one night, and thank the stars, most people in the world can relay those epic events to each other lik dis LOLZ!!1, thanks to text messages. Of course, there are also a lot of bad things that can happen when you decide to chug a bottle of horse tranquilizer extract and homemade 4 LOKO, and frankly, those are the best things to read on TFLN. It can get pretty crude, but anyone with a high tolerance for stupid people could spend hours rolling through this site.
  • Hipster Puppies: Honestly, you could Photoshop hipster clothes onto amoebas and I would still laugh my ass off. If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m easier to please than a kitten abusing ecstasy.
  • Holy Taco: Holy Taco is essentially Unreality’s douchebag big brother, but that’s not really a bad thing. Lots of random photos, lists, jokes, and silly stories that make people (Mostly men) giggle a lot. It’s also run (Or at least has been run) by Justin Halpern, AKA the creator of Shit My Dad Says, who can be funny without the help of his badass old man.

[GIFs and video after the jump]

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The Good, Bad, and Ugly of The Walking Dead Season Finale: TS-19

6 12 2010

Well, that was fast. The first season of my new favorite show on television, The Walking Dead, flew right on by, and I’m disappointed. Why AMC thought six measly episodes constituted an entire season, I have no clue. In most cases, six hour-long episodes would seem more fitting to an HBO miniseries. That said, after a disappointingly boring episode 5, the zombie canon gave America the season finale it deserved, although I was mere seconds away from losing my sh*t over a certain part of the final few minutes.

There were some epic highs and yawn-inducing lows, but in the end Frank Darabont’s adaptation deserves a good amount of praise. So, without further adieu, my final Walking Dead review is after the jump. MAJOR spoilers after the jump, and too many of my friends haven’t seen this show, so you have been warned.

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The Week Ahead: Dec 6-12

5 12 2010

[Ahh December, the second greatest month of the year (Second to March, obviously). The movies are flying fast, there are plenty of NFL, NBA and college basketball games to choose from, and while there is only on video game of note being released this week, it is an expansion to one of the biggest phenomenons in PC gaming. In short, it’s a busy looking week. Check out all the details after the jump.]

Fear this man

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My 5 Most Anticipated Movies of 2011

3 12 2010


Daniel Craig is horrible at being Amish.

As the weather begins to turn cold, the stores begin to shove bargains and adverts down our throats, and my mother begins to weep every time the song “Christmas Shoes” plays, I begin to look towards next year. While it’s nice to think about graduation and my last few months at home before heading off to college, there are also a lot of movies that have popped up on my radar. This is a good thing, since outside of the artsy masterpiece Inception, and fun little popcorn flicks like The Other Guys, The A-Team, and Scott Pilgrim, 2010 has been a pretty lackluster year for the silver screen.

Anyways, it was a little harder than I expected to whittle down a list of five films that look worth the price of admission, especially considering that it’s very easy to make an epic trailer out of a mediocre movie. Anyways, 2011 looks to haveeverything a movie geek could want, including aliens, wizards, Bill Clinton cameos, and stoner knights. Follow me after the jump for trailers and thoughts on some of the upcoming movies of 2011.

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Web Wednesday: “Unnecessary” Quotes, The Fine Brothers, Oprah

1 12 2010


I love being healthy



Fun Sites

  • Sh*t My Kids Ruined: Kids ruin stuff, there’s no escaping that. Just the other day I ran into this kid going 60 on a side street. Do you even realize how long it took to clean that mess up? Awful. Anyways, this site is dedicated to all the stuff those scrawny rugrats screw up, whether we love or hate them (I hate them).
  • “Unnecessary” Quotes: Finally, an educational site that also slaps you in the face. Being a fan of reading and writing and the sort, this site really hits home for me. Because seriously, America is horrible at grammar. From the unnecessary quotes to Ke$ha, this country needs all lot of help picking up slack with their English skills. That’s why I moonlight at an abandoned warehouse, teaching illegals to read and write in exchange for homemade tequila. Mmmm…
  • This is Why You’re Fat: Did I say America is horrible at grammar? Yeah, it’s probably because everyone’s so fat… Ok, I think I’ve tired the douchebag persona enough. Anyways, this site is pretty simple, but it’s easy to get sucked in by all the crazy concoctions that people have made and eaten. I’ve even made my own McGangBang before. This site will change you, and eventually kill you. You know, if you live under a rock and haven’t heard of this site. Give me a break, I’m new to this blogging thing!

[GIFs and videos after the jump!]

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The Good, Bad, and Ugly of The Walking Dead: Wildfire

30 11 2010

After riding higher and higher for the first five episodes, The Walking Dead reached it’s highest amount of viewers at 5.5 million, which is staggering for a violent zombie drama on a cable network. The only thing is, for a show that recently garnered 5.5 million watchers, it happened to be the first lackluster episode of the new show, in my eyes at least.

It may be because last week’s episode was likely the best thing I’ve watched on television in a very long time, but The Walking Dead finally proved to me that it is human, or perhaps a little too human. Is it time to panic? Hell no. There is one episode left in the first season, the creative minds behind the show will stew over how to make Season 2 even better than the first after that, and not every episode is going to be this bland, I’m sure of it. That said, there are a few disappointing things to discuss after the jump.

[If you hate spoilers, don’t continue…]

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The Week Ahead: Nov 29 – Dec 5

28 11 2010

[Thanksgiving is over, and I’ve already been over-stimulated with Christmas music/ The Chanukah Song. Call me crazy, but push the holiday songs back one week, and maybe my skin won’t turn green with Grinch Syndrome/ excessive vomiting. You know… Anyways, yet another big week in entertainment lies ahead, including Black Swan, Epic Mickey, lots of sports match-ups. Figure out what you’ll be watching this week after the jump.]

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My 10 Favorite Spoof Movies

24 11 2010


I guess it should be said that I love, love, love comedy movies. I mean, one should be able to guess that a puss like me would generally gravitate towards movies a little less bloody and serious, and they would be right. Ever since I saw Steve Martin’s The Jerk and first heard Martin’s character utter the words “I was born a poor black child” (That caught me off guard! I could clearly tell that he was Asian) I knew that these were the movies for me. An even greater discovery occurred at the age of 14, when found a DVD in my parents’ room called Blazing Saddles. I was blown away. How a person could fit that many jokes into one movie was beyond what my teenage mind could comprehend. After watching one of the funniest movies of all time, I quickly searched the film on Wikipedia, looked at pages for all the actors, and eventually came upon the filmography of Mel Brooks. Two days later, I high-tailed it to the local Blockbuster, grabbed their copy of Spaceballs, and never looked back. Thus began my lifelong obsession with spoofs. Shut up, I don’t care that I haven’t lived long.

That said, not only are there virtually no good spoof movies being made today (The only ones even being released are by Seltzer and Freiberg, who have brought you such classics as Meet the Spartans and Vampires Suck. You’d better know that’s sarcasm), but there really isn’t much of a selection of spoofs to begin with, at least when it comes to spoofs that were good. For all the simplicity that appears to drive spoofs (Rapid fire jokes, puns, and sight gags, usually lampooning pop culture), not many parody movies of late have managed to get so much as a chuckle from anyone that isn’t 13. Mel Brooks was the master of the spoof, you probably know that already, so for this top ten list, I’m splitting it up into two halves: The Mel Brooks Division and Non-Mel Brooks division. And without further word rambling, my favorite spoof movies. Read and discuss after the jump!

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