2011 Best Picture Nominees

27 02 2011

Yesterday, at 10:00 AM, I decided that watching all 10 of the nominees for Best Picture was a much better plan than like, sleeping or something foolish like that. Anyway. I sat for 24 hours and watched what are theoretically the 10 best films released this year. Now after roughly three hours of sleep I’ll see what I can yell angrily about them.

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Awards Season 2011

29 11 2010

I love awards season. It is probably the most involved I get in anything that doesn’t directly involve me. The Oscars is my version of the Super Bowl.  And there’s something about the Oscars that really brings out the judgemental jerk in me, and it seems a lot of other people too. I don’t know if it’s all the gosh dang Versace just begging to be criticized for no reason or just the unending supply of shiny trophies going to the wrong people year after year. Nonetheless, I look forward to them each year and settle down into all the hype. When the Golden Globes finally hit, I get all giddy as we get closer to Oscar territory. But so far, this year isn’t seeming too awesome. It’s still way early I know, but let’s examine the facts so far:

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