10 Entertaining Fake Accounts I’ve Found on Twitter (So Far)

20 11 2010

I’m relatively new to Twitter [Follow me HERE for site updates and general twitting. I’m a whore], but I have come to like a few things about the best loser in internet social media (To Facebook, obviously). It’s a great way to get breaking news of any sort, peek into the surprisingly boring lives of famous actors, and being constantly whored by links from Roger Ebert (Whom I stopped following; I love your reviews, Mr. Ebert, but you, or your publicist, whatever, post way too much). But perhaps the greatest thing that I’ve discovered on Twitter thus far is the creation of fake Twitter accounts, otherwise known as funny people pretending to be famous people, resulting in some pretty funny stuff. I have yet to see how many of these things are out there, but here are ten fake Twitter accounts that are more fun than SwEeTnSpIcY69HOT.

Follow me! That was referring to the jump, not Twitter… kind of. My brain!

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10 Inexplicable Pictures of Gary Busey.

29 10 2010

Gary Busey is surely one of the most important and dignified actors of our time. And by that I mean, “Gary Busey has never been photographed in a normal fashion.” Some people don’t know how to look when a picture is taken. Unfortunately, Gary Busey knows exactly how he wants to look when a picture is taken. Don’t understand? You will after the jump.

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