Music Recommendation: The Chameleons

11 01 2011

The 80's were a great decade for ugly sweaters

[Quick Warning: My music posts never really focus entirely on the band in the title, but there will be youtube videos of that band after the jump for your enjoyment. So enjoy.]

When it comes to indie music, nothing gets a hipster’s heart fluttering more than the bands that were indie before words like “indie”, “grunge”, or “alternative” were common language in the world of music. Nothing is more satisfying for indie kings than to say something like, “If the Pixies didn’t exist, then Nirvana never would have happened!” or, “Quit blabbing about your stupid Coldplay! If it wasn’t for Joy Division (or Radiohead) then you wouldn’t even have a Coldplay to blab about!”

… Or something like that. I think that’s what people are into these days.

Anyways, I too am a big fan of the so called precursors to the altern-rock movement, and if I had to make a quick list of my five favorites, it would look something like this…

5. Television

4. The Smiths

3. Pixies

2. The Chameleons

1. The Stone Roses

More pondering and Chameleons love (Plus video) after the jump

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The Year That Was: 2010 Reflection, Part 2

2 01 2011

[You can read Emily’s 2010 post if you click this]

Ahhh the New Year; a day that really has no meaning, but people love to get irresponsibly drunk the day before. That definitely makes sense.

I have no qualms with the year as a whole. There were plenty of fine movies to watch, games to play, shows to watch, and illegally downloaded CD’s to listen to. Whatever, there is no reason to drag on this intro other than for me to tell you that it’s my opinion, screw you. Anyways, I have plenty of opinions to give on the previous 365 days or so, so click el jumpo to see all of my favorites in entertainment from 2010. Onward!

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The Week Ahead: Dec. 13-19

12 12 2010

[Can you believe we’re only a couple weeks away from Christmas? I sure as hell can’t. Anyways, we have a pretty big week of movies, some huge games in the NFL, as well as the start of college bowl games, and a very unproductive week in video games. If you love hearing me rant about awful remakes, potentially good reboots, and big people hitting each other over an oblong-shaped ball, then continue after the jump. That’s right, all five of you.]

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5 Famous People I Would Love to Hang Out With

10 12 2010

[Happy 100th post!]

I’m not sure if I could handle being famous, or at least famous enough to be put on TMZ if I got caught eating a whole pizza and a can of spray cheese on a subway. Just thinking about having to deal with the constant interviews, singing of autographs, and dealing with the inevitable craziness that affects most A-List celebrities makes me feel queasy. It’s obvious that the majority of super celebrities in the world are batshit insane, but there are quite a few people in movies, TV, sports, et cetera, that are (Or seem to be) genuinely interesting, but also, you know, not quite as batshit insane.

Sure, some of these seemingly normal famous people could just be really good at hiding their inner-crazy, and they might even be hiding some creepy-ass fetishes (Perhaps a cellar full of Beanie Babies?) from the paparazzi, but I’m willing to take a chance on some of these people. So yes, there’s a possibility that some of these people might secretly be douchebags like Christian Bale that would cuss me out for bringing them a glazed donut instead of a danish, but I’m just shameless to admit that I’d try to spend a day with them anyway. Click the jump to see five people that I would love to hang out with.

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The Good, Bad, and Ugly of The Walking Dead: Wildfire

30 11 2010

After riding higher and higher for the first five episodes, The Walking Dead reached it’s highest amount of viewers at 5.5 million, which is staggering for a violent zombie drama on a cable network. The only thing is, for a show that recently garnered 5.5 million watchers, it happened to be the first lackluster episode of the new show, in my eyes at least.

It may be because last week’s episode was likely the best thing I’ve watched on television in a very long time, but The Walking Dead finally proved to me that it is human, or perhaps a little too human. Is it time to panic? Hell no. There is one episode left in the first season, the creative minds behind the show will stew over how to make Season 2 even better than the first after that, and not every episode is going to be this bland, I’m sure of it. That said, there are a few disappointing things to discuss after the jump.

[If you hate spoilers, don’t continue…]

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Awards Season 2011

29 11 2010

I love awards season. It is probably the most involved I get in anything that doesn’t directly involve me. The Oscars is my version of the Super Bowl.  And there’s something about the Oscars that really brings out the judgemental jerk in me, and it seems a lot of other people too. I don’t know if it’s all the gosh dang Versace just begging to be criticized for no reason or just the unending supply of shiny trophies going to the wrong people year after year. Nonetheless, I look forward to them each year and settle down into all the hype. When the Golden Globes finally hit, I get all giddy as we get closer to Oscar territory. But so far, this year isn’t seeming too awesome. It’s still way early I know, but let’s examine the facts so far:

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Leslie Nielsen: 1926-2010 “Good Luck, We’re All Counting On You”

28 11 2010

Only days after calling Leslie Nielsen my favorite spoof actor of all time, I got hit in the face, gut, and heart with this sad news:

Pajiba: …Nielsen died from complications from pneumonia on November 28th. He was 84…. he will be greatly missed.

The actor, who started out starring in “normal” movies like The Poseidon Adventure and Prom Night, left seriousness behind for the goofball roles we know and love in numerous spoof films, especially classics like Airplane and The Naked Gun. Nielsen’s straight-faced delivery of the most ridiculous puns and silly sight gags made him a Hollywood favorite, and any person in their right mind can tell that he had a hell of a good time with these films.

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The Week Ahead: Nov 29 – Dec 5

28 11 2010

[Thanksgiving is over, and I’ve already been over-stimulated with Christmas music/ The Chanukah Song. Call me crazy, but push the holiday songs back one week, and maybe my skin won’t turn green with Grinch Syndrome/ excessive vomiting. You know… Anyways, yet another big week in entertainment lies ahead, including Black Swan, Epic Mickey, lots of sports match-ups. Figure out what you’ll be watching this week after the jump.]

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The Good, Bad, and Ugly of The Walking Dead: Vatos

22 11 2010


If only I knew what ‘Puto’ meant…

Oh God. This is officially the best show on television for me now. I didn’t seem to believe it was possible, but AMC’s newest hit show managed to top itself in almost every way with episode 4. In fact, at least for me, yesterday’s episode was quite possibly the best thing I’ve seen on TV all year. It simply had everything, and while that’s what a lot of people say about Mad Men, well, Mad Men doesn’t have zombies. Click the jump to get a recap of all the great stuff about the best new show on television. I can’t believe there are only two episodes left this season.

[Obligatory spoiler warning: Yes, there are spoilers.]

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Web Wednesday: Deadspin, Zidane Headbutt, The Black Keys

16 11 2010

Hey, how'd this picture of me get on the internet. Haha, just kidding. I'm not that attractive.

Awesome Sites:

  • Deadspin: Before I get to my obligatory randomly stupid Tumblrs, let me tell you a bit about Deadspin. It’s essentially The Onion for sports fans, and brings you all the sports new you could possibly want in the douchebag manner that most sports stars deserve. Unapologetic, unrelenting, un… something. It’s very funny stuff, you should check it out.
  • F*ck Yeah Sharks: Random Tumblrs make me giggle like an 8-year-old watching a Freidberg and Seltzer movie.
  • Happiest People Ever!: When are they gonna invent sarcasm text? I thought this was going to be a site dedicated to overly happy morons, instead I got a lot of pissy looking children! Either way, this site still makes me giggle like a retarded pig watching a Freidberg and Seltzer movie.

[GIFs and videos after the jump!]

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