Top 5 Video Game Soundtracks

4 03 2011


Well hello, readers! We all have those video games where the music is incredibly catchy, and just sticks with us, right? Well I know I do. And I can confirm that I have around 530 tracks on my iPod from various video game soundtracks. From Zelda to Silent Hill, I tell you what the best are!

Starting with!

#5. Star Fox 64/Super Mario 64

I most likely cried to this song when I FINALLY was able to beat the game. Which was about the age of, oh, I don’t know, 16. Anyways. Good job Koji Kondo/Hajime Wakai. Koji Kondo also did the Ocarina of Time soundtrack, so he’s kind of a god. But it’s whatever.

Super Mario 64 defined my childhood, and the songs are just catchy and fun. Good songs for a delightfully fun game.

4. Super Smash Brothers Melee

Well, more like the orchestral version of songs from the game performed by the New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra. I listened to this soundtrack non-stop for about a week. Sad? Yes. Fun? Yes. 

3. Silent Hill 2

Silent Hill 2 just does a wonderful job of having music to fit the scene of the game. I have the soundtrack on my iPod, and when it comes up on shuffle I get creeped out. The soundtrack allows you to picture Silent Hill perfectly. The soundtrack is all around creepy and fits the game perfectly. And a game where you are forced to watch one monster rape another monster DESERVES a creepy soundtrack. Props to you Akira Yamaoka.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

A wonderfully made soundtrack. But it IS a Zelda, so that’s kind of a given. Wonderful soundtrack to a wonderful game. There is a song for every scene. Also: Makar’s theme is just the greatest song ever because is the most adorable thing ever.

1. Fallout: New Vegas

Sinatra. I say no more.


Also from New Vegas:

The catchiest song to ever exist. If you’re not singing this for days after you hear it you are a soulless super mutant.


In both fallout 3, and Fallout: New Vegas the music couldn’t fit the game any better. Keeping the radio on is just wonderful. Whomever thought up listening to 50’s music while shooting things in a futuristic post-apocalyptic world is an absolute genius.



I understand I didn’t list Fallout 3 anywhere in the list, but whatever. This is the best video game song of all time. Everyone has to respect how cool it is, and everyone must respect the irony of this song being in Fallout. Another win from Fallout!
Well, that’s it folks. Be a nerd and legally buy all of these soundtracks like your favorite blogger, Jimmy!



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