Web Wednesday: Face Swaps, Basketball, Basketball (and Basketball)

5 01 2011

[I won’t sugarcoat it, I’m really not trying tonight. Still, that doesn’t deny the fact that these sites and videos are awesome. So hush it.]

Awesome (non-basketball) Site

Face Swaps: People who spend time getting to know me learn that I love three things: Puppies, argyle sweaters, and stupid Photoshops. Face Swaps, occasionally, employs all three of those things. But mostly it’s the Photoshops. There’s something about those comic strip-like close ups that make me squeal like a pig in a Geico commercial. They are really something.

[After the jump are a lot of college basketball related sites and videos. Wallow in the glow of conference season!]

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The Week Ahead: Nov 15-21 (College Basketball!)

14 11 2010

[This week is all about the newest Harry Potter movie, which comes out Friday. Why are people getting so pumped when it isn’t even the last movie? Other than the fact that it’s Harry Potter, of course. I guess I’m just tired. Anyways click the jump to read about HP, Assassin’s Creed, The Next Three Days, and Patriots v. Colts. Oh, and the greatest sport of all time kicks off this week… COLLEGE BASKETBALL! Let’s go!]

Kimmie English is ready to play ball


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